Top Ten Tips to Get Through the Holidays Unscathed!

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If a month filled with holiday parties, travel, and family gatherings has you worried about falling into an abyss with your health goals, never fear! I’ve created a guide to get you safely to the other side of 2018:)


Jaime’s Top Ten Tips for the Holidays:


        1. Don’t try to lose weight in December! That’s not to say it isn’t possible, but if you expect to lose weight and start to slide off your plan, the tendency is to go right off the deep end, and really slide- all the way into January. Let’s set ourselves up for success, and try the more realistic goal of not gaining weight during the holidays.

        3. Think of the holidays as single events or single meals, rather than a month long affair. It’s ok to indulge for a holiday meal or two, but make sure that doesn’t give you carte blanche for the whole month! For instance, stay steady with your normal, healthy breakfast, like oatmeal, throughout the month, and try to keep non-holiday meals simple and healthy. You’ll feel so much better, and so much less bloated, come January 1st.

        5. Keep moving. Let whatever exercise routine you’ve created for yourself carry you until the end of December. If you don’t have one, then just do the very easiest thing you can, like go for a walk. When it’s time for travel and family gatherings, incorporate moving into holiday plans. Get the whole family to go on a walk before or after dinner. Take the family ice-skating, skiing or sledding. Create a family dance jam. If you have a yoga practice, teach a yoga class to family members or invite them to go to a local class with you. For those of you who find family time stressful, let the need for some alone time motivate you to go for a walk or a yoga class on your own. Just keep moving!

        7. Portions, Portions, Portions. You will likely be faced with endless buffets of food choices at parties and dinners this month. Take a deep breath before you fill your plate, and take the time to look at all the food in front of you. Carefully choose the items you really want… the ones that are truly worth the indulgence. For instance, I’m a big chocolate fan, but most other desserts I can take or leave. My advice is to leave whatever you don’t really want off of your plate, and serve yourself small portions of the other foods so you can enjoy the variety. You might be satisfied with just a small taste of certain dishes. Eat slowly and fully enjoy the foods you choose.

        9. Make healthy exchanges for favorite dishes. Choosing healthier foods shouldn’t mean missing out on holiday enjoyment! There are so many ways to make your favorite recipes healthier by simply exchanging some of the ingredients. For instance, one of my favorite holiday family dishes is this amazing, cheesy spinach souffle that my grandmother, and now my mother, makes. We now use whole grain wheat flour instead of the six tablespoons of white flour that the recipe calls for, and I make sure the cheese being used is hormone-free and antibiotic-free. It’s still an indulgence for me, but it’s a healthier version of the original dish. What can you exchange in your recipes to create a healthier alternative? For more examples, see my Thanksgiving blog from last year, where I discuss holiday favorites such as cranberry sauce and stuffing:

        11. Fully enjoy your food. When you experience joy, your brain releases the ‘happy’ chemical, serotonin, which is then received in your gut. This means that how you feel affects digestion and also immune function. So if you’re going to eat something you know isn’t great for you, just fully enjoy every second of it! Skip the guilt… no feeling bad allowed. That’s a direct order from your health coach:)

        13. Indulge in warmth and comfort from teas and soups. Sweet potato and butternut squash soups are my favorites this time of year. They’re so warming, comforting, and yummy, that I’m less likely to crave other, less healthy, comfort foods. Herbal teas can do the same thing for you, especially at night. My personal favorite is Chai Rooibos tea (with a little vanilla unsweetened almond milk). I also like Tahitian Vanilla Hazelnut and Bedtime teas, both from the Yogi brand.

        15. Stay hydrated. People tend to forget to drink water when they’re busy and the weather is cold. Make it a point to drink a big glass of water when you wake up in the morning before you get lost in the events of your day. It’s also helpful to bring a water bottle with you so you can track how much you’re drinking (or not drinking) throughout the day. Staying hydrated will reduce cravings, help you avoid headaches, and will help keep you from getting sick.

        17. Bring healthy food to holiday parties and gatherings so you know there will be at least one healthy thing to eat. Tasty examples: roasted veggies, bean chili, quinoa tabouli, baby spinach salad with sautéed mushrooms and goat cheese, carrots & hummus, a fruit salad, or a dessert made with coconut palm sugar. You can also bring sparkling water or juices like apple cider or pomegranate, to reduce alcohol intake. They still feel festive, especially when served with cut fruit or a cinnamon stick to garnish. Also, make sure to eat something before a holiday party as well; hunger can capsize the best of intentions.

        19. Primary foods are key. Primary Foods are those things that nourish us but don’t come on a plate, (like relationships, career, exercise and spirituality). Be conscious of how affection, laughter and human connection feeds you this December. You will likely be seeing friends and family over the holidays- let the love, joy, and celebration fill you up! Give and receive as many hugs as possible. Exchange massages. Watch funny movies. If you can’t be with your family during the holidays, reach out to friends or volunteer, but get your fill of holiday love.


BONUS TIP: Take it easy. Although a beautiful time of year, December can also be very stressful for many (obligations, shopping, travel). Stress is one of the biggest causes of sugar cravings, which is obviously a recipe for disaster during the holidays. Instead of getting caught up in the hustle and bustle, try following nature’s cue of slowing down. As we approach winter solstice, remember to schedule down-time for yourself. Get enough sleep. Breathe. And try to enjoy the present moment.


Wishing you the most beautiful of holiday seasons!


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One Response

  1. […] finally, my Top Ten Tips to Get Through the Holidays Unscathed! A complete guide to keep you supported through January 1st.   While we all want to enjoy the […]

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