I came to health coaching after struggling for years with health problems that I was unable to solve through standard western means. Through my research and personal experimentation, I discovered that most of my health problems were linked to my food and lifestyle choices. By incorporating holistic modalities and relatively simple changes to my diet, I was able to heal myself, increase my energy and vitality, and regain a natural trust of my body’s intuition.


As an artist and through coaching other Creative Professionals to get back into balance, I have also discovered how to work with the unique challenges of a creative lifestyle. I've had the honor of working with Emmy Award winning Directors, creators of successful Netflix shows, well known actors, and writers on major network series. Other specialties of mine include working with sugar addiction and sugar cravings, as I'm a bonafide ex-sugar addict!


I also spent two plus years working with an Internal Medicine Doctor, coaching his patients who were struggling with Type II diabetes, obesity, digestive issues, and stress.

“Jaime has an extensive knowledge of nutrition, and is versed in all aspects of a healthy lifestyle, including not only natural and organic ingredients, but exercise, meditation, healthy gut, relaxation/breathing techniques, and relationships. Her love for helping people and her professionalism is very evident in everything she does, from her smile, easy going personality, and her passion to do whatever it takes to work with a variety of clients, regardless of how different they are. She caters to individuals according to their needs, and provides a flexible and customized plan that fits their personality and busy schedule. Jaime was an asset to me personally, and to all of the patients she touched in my practice for the last two and half years. I recommend her as a guide for anyone who wants to live a happy and healthy life.” ~ Dr. Ibrahim Hanna, MD


Whether through one-on-one coaching, workshops, or online classes, I’m excited and honored to share my knowledge with you and support you in your journey toward optimum health.



I'm a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach through the AADP (American Association of Drugless Practitioners). I received my training in Health Coaching at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the only nutrition school in the world that integrates all the different dietary theories—combining the knowledge of traditional philosophies such as Yin/Yang and Ayurveda with modern concepts like the the glycemic index and raw foods.


While most dietitians dwell on calories, carbs, fats, proteins, restrictions and lists of good and bad foods, I work with my clients in a way that is flexible, fun and free of denial and discipline. I will help you to shift your relationship with food, regain the trust of your own body, and explore that which feeds you but doesn’t come on your plate. The food you eat and the life you live should nourish and fulfill you.


psst: Did you know about IIN’s new partnership with Chopra Global, welcoming Dr. Deepak Chopra as Chief Wellness Officer?

Use Code: JAIMESAGINORXIIN or click here for a discount on all IIN and Chopra courses, such as IIN's Health Coach Training Program, Deepak Chopra's Meditation or Yoga certifications, IIN's Hormone Health Course, Gut Health Courses, and more!