How To Deconstruct Your Cravings

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Have you ever had the experience of eating a filling meal, knowing intellectually that you’ve had enough food, but nonetheless you can’t stop thinking about ice cream, or your favorite cookie, or that bag of chips in the pantry? You … Read More

Willpower vs. Intrinsic Motivation

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Willpower and discipline are great… for as long as they last. But when they run out (you’re having a bad day, lack of sleep, tired of the monotony of your meal plan), they’re not so helpful. Dan Buettner, author of … Read More

Support for the Holidays Is Here!

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Is it that time of year already? Not that I’m not excited for cooler, crisper weather, comforting fall soups, and the turning of leaves, but… the holidays are coming!   It’s about this time that some of my clients start … Read More

My Very Bad Habit

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During the pandemic I created a very bad habit: I started eating a full chocolate bar every single day. Granted the chocolate bar was low glycemic, and a clean, organic choice as far as chocolate bars go (to be expected … Read More